Hey 👋

However you got here, hello and welcome!

This site is ever evolving, it's my playground for trying out the latest techniques when it comes to web development.

That pretty much sums me up! I love tech; software, hardware, physical or digital!

Ever since the 80's when my parents caved and bought us (five boys!) a Commodore VIC 20 and like thousands of other kids of the time, I typed in my first program from a book, that didn't work, I was hooked!

Then came the internet; I built my first website in 1996 and this put me on the path to a professional career as a developer.

I've had the honour of working for some incredible global agencies, producing websites for the best brands in the world and have created and managed teams, partners and clients all over the world.

Now in 2024, I work with creatives, strategists and startups to use technology that solves business problems and drives growth.

If you want to get in touch, connect with me on LinkedIn.